It's Mothers Day!! So Happy Mother's Day to all you marvelous mother's out there! I am so grateful that there is a day dedicated to my best friend. I love Mother's Day, like a lot, and I know I am not the only one who does! There are just so many beautiful women who deserve to be celebrated, well today is the day for that! Mother's Day doesn't only celebrate mother's, but women in general. There are so many women in my life I consider as a mom to me, my aunts, grandma's, friends mom, relief society sisters. And some of these women don't even have children of their own, but the way they present themselves to the world, you know they have a motherly love. It is a natural instinct for women, we are all motherly in one way or another. Whether it be to your dog or your garden, or in my case my little lambs I raise, it's in our genes no matter what way you look at it.

> To the Mother: Thank you for always being on my side. For loving me unconditionally all the time no matter the mistakes I make. For bringing me up when I am feeling down. For having my back through and through and supporting me in all my dreams and goals. For being my truest best friend and letting me cry on your lap. You're not only the best mother to me, but to all of your students. You have the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met, and are also the funniest person I have ever met. You always know how to make me laugh and how to lighten to mood. You're the best example I have in my life and I can't begin to even thank you enough for being the best mom ever! I hope you have the most wonderful day, love you forever and always.
> To the Grandma's: I can't express my gratitude enough to you wonderful women. The best mother's I know. You have raised your children to be successful and stay strong to what they're taught. You raised my parents, the people that mean the most to me in my life and I couldn't be more grateful to you for that. Your caring heart and poise in everything you do is always something I have admired and continue to strive to follow. I love you both so much and am so blessed to have such examples in my life.
> To the Auntie's: What would I even do without these wonderful women in my life. I am convinced I am blessed with the most amazing aunts on the planet earth. All of them would go out of their way to do anything for anyone. They have raised the most beautiful children who have become my best friends. They let me tell them about my ridiculous life and confide in them when I need someone to talk to and my mother has already heard the story endless times. They laugh with me and cry with me and I cant even begin to express the love I have for my awesome aunts.
> To the Sissy: Even though you're still a youngin, you deserve one of these because I know without a doubt you will be an amazing women, you're already an amazing young women. I look up to you more than you will ever know. You are the biggest example in my life and I hope I can be like you some day. You make a difference in everything you do, and you give everything 100%. You are the nicest person I know, always making new friends, something I wish I was better at. I love you, moo.
> To the future Mother-In-Law: I don't know you yet, but I cant wait to meet you and be apart of your family, someday, eventually, hopefully. I thank you for raising the man of my dreams. The perfect husband that all girls dream of. For being his biggest supporter and example. For teaching him right from wrong and how to love. I couldn't be more grateful to you.
I hope everyone really has a wonderful Mother's Day. Spoil those special women in your life, they do more for you than you even realize. Thanks so much for reading!
xoxo, Nessa