"Everyday brings something beautiful if we are just willing to look up and see it." {Marjorie Pay Hinkley}

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Baby Sheep ❤️

As some of you know, I have been blessed with the opportunity to raise a little lamb this summer! I also raised two last summer, however this summer sheep is a little different.

One day we were at the ranch having a  work day, it was spring time and lambing season was in full swing! Which means we had to make a lot of lamb checking trips to make sure everything was going well with the mama sheep and their lambs. Well this particular day my aunt said one of the sheep had a "big bag" meaning she had so much milk that her lambs couldn't get milk from her. So what does this mean? We have to catch her and milk her! So we start rounding up the herd and as she was running with the herd she split her milk bag open. Needless to say, blood was everywhere. We feared that she would bleed to death if we didn't catch her soon. Well shortly after my uncle lasso'd her up and we loaded her and her little twin lambs on the trailer and headed back for the barn. It took three of us to hold her down, she was a big mama and she had horns! Once we got to the barn we only had one option, and we had to act quick. We had to stitch her on up. Luckily, we had sutures, however we didn't have a suture kit. Everyone thought since I was a trained MA that I should do the honors, and so I did. With some pliers and my suture I acted quickly and stitched up the tear as best I could.  It was one of the moments where you  know your stuff and you just go for it.  After  I stitched her all up we put her in a box stall with her two lambs. We bottle fed the lambs, knowing that they hadn't eaten since they were born earlier that day. We left the lambs with their mother and headed home. Knowing we had to come back and check on them the next day. Baby boy didn't make it through the night. And my heart ached. Did I do everything I could? But realizing that we did and that this kind of this happens often during lambing season we moved along. Baby girl however, was still going strong. For a whole week we went up to the ranch everyday to check the mama and baby. We bottle fed the lamb a bottle  everyday, hoping that mama would be able to take her back. Due to the trauma of her bag she was unable. So that left one solution. Nessa and fam gets to raise a baby lamb!! Last summer,  we had the opportunity to raise two lambs and man it was quite the chore. But we loved it, or at least I loved it. So thinking about only raising one, psh, piece of cake. Lizzie lamb. That's what we call her. I decided on Lizzie because this lamb, was different. She's a very well behaved, sweet and hilarious lamb. So, Lizzie is the name, why? Cause we called my grandma Lizzie. And so the name stuck.

Lizzie has been living in the ville for  about 4 weeks. She drinks 3 bottles a day, loves nibbling on everything in her site and likes to cuddle. She is a spoiled little sheep. We take her on morning walks, she gets to come in the house occasionally, ( mostly cause she runs in right after you)  and she enjoys car rides and scooter runs.  Although it may all seem like fun and games, cause it mostly is. Lizzie is A LOT of work. She acts like a dog, but she can't be potty trained (I've tried) you have to bottle feed her, teach her what she can and can't eat, how to drink out of a bucket, and she needs lots of love and exercise.  But other than that she is a pure ball of fun!!  I know I have been blessed with the lamb angel for a reason. I am her mother, she follows me everywhere, when I am not home to let her out and my mom and sister does she goes crazy (but she really loves them too).  I like tot think it's to teach me responsibility. If I can raise a lamb I can raise a baby? Maybe. Maybe not. I am not sure. But I  know I have definitely learned a lot from this experience and I wouldn't trade it for a thing in the world. I hope my future children love me as much as this little lamb and I can't even imagine the love I'll have for my children, I mean I love this baby sheep a ton, and she's a sheep. Lizzie also loves visitors, so feel free to swing by and say hi :) thanks for reading!

Xoxo, Nessa 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I had someone call me this word, homebody, the other day, and I took it kind of offensively at first. Since I have been out of High School I have been attending the University of Utah and trying to figure and piece together my life. In that amount of time more has happened then I could ever imagine. But the other day when someone called me a homebody, I really stepped back and thought about things.

At first I thought that is so rude, being a homebody is not a good thing. I am not outgoing. I don't live on my own. I basically don't do anything with my life and I suck. I was so upset. But then I stepped back and looked at it in a different perspective. I have been so blessed, with the most beautiful life. I have been given a life and family and friends that I love so much I don't have a desire to leave the home. Now, whoa. Hold your horses. I am not saying that I am going to live at home forever, cause I am not. But at this critical time in my life where I am working and going to school and trying to do all these things to benefit my future life and family. I will live at home. and I am fine with it. People judge me for it. I know they do. From comments people make to people telling me how I need to live my life. It is frustrating. But that is life, and that is people, so we have to deal with it. I have always been very open to hearing peoples different opinions or suggestions on different things, because that is nice stuff. If telling someone something that they can benefit from, I am all for it. However, it's when they keep telling you the same thing over and over is when things get a little old. And what do we do in these certain circumstances? Well for me, I feel sorry for myself. Am I not living my life right? Do I really need to move away from everyone and everything I love for me to grow up? If that is the case, you better put me in a bubble and ship me off.

So what does it all come down too? For me, I have to think of it as, this is my life. I am living it to the best of my abilities. There are certain things I could do differently sure, but for now, I am doing the best I can. Sometimes, that is all we can do. It is hard growing up, no matter what stage of it you are in, but you can do it! There are so many difficult things that we have to go through. It sucks. But if we didn't go through the hardships we wouldn't grow, we wouldn't learn and we wouldn't be who we are meant to be. And to think that we never have to go through anything alone. The Savior is always right on our side. We can turn to him for anything. We may be alone physically, but never spiritually. The Lord is always there to reassure us, to help us make decisions, to direct us on the right path. We are merely tools in his hands. As long as we rely on The Savior and the Gospel, we can make it through anything. Because, "Light always overcomes darkness" and because of all of that, I think I can be a homebody for awhile longer.
xoxo, Nessa