But then. When I was having a real rough night. Not being able to focus, or understand why the brain works the way it does or why I have to make a graph out of x, I found this little beauty:
Cause this beautiful clip. Literally saved my butt. We don't have to be perfect. It's not our job. We just have to be ourselves. We have to try our best, our best will always be good enough, for us maybe no. But for Him it will be. And in the end that is all that matters.
Talk about a reality check. I love that cute man. And what he has to say in that video. And so now, I still feel overwhelmed. With love. With compassion. And with the strive to be better and try harder. Not to put myself down for not getting 100 in my test or feeling like a dumb dumb. Cause that's not the case. Everyone has brain farts, es ok. And thankfully it is the start of my weekend from school. So here's to a Happy Halloween to all you fabulous people out there who took the time to read my rant. I love ya. Keep up the good work.
Xoxo, ness