When you're younger summer is so much more enjoyable. Like you can just swim and eat popsicles all the time because you're too young to work, too young to love and you're probably still at that point where school is still kinda ok so you look forward to it. Well I have hit that summer where you have to worry about finding a job, figuring out how you are going to pay for this next semester, everyone is going on missions, or getting married. And I feel like I'm stuck. My dear friend who I am writing on her mission calls this time the "waiting period". In my opinion this waiting period can go fly a kite. Cause it's a stinker. I hate waiting for my missionaries, I hate waiting for love and I hate waiting to become what I want to be (a pediatrician). I have had this really poor attitude for the past couple weeks. I have had a lot of my close friends going on missions and a few weddings too. Plus I had to take my little lambies back to their home. So ya, I think to myself, I have a reason to be a crab... uh FALSE. That's when I found this sweet quote that I added to a picture I took at The Great Salt Lake a couple weeks ago. This quote explains my life perfectly at this exact moment.
As I took a minute to reflect back over this summer, not only did I decide look at the things that made me feel the way I was, I looked at all the wonderful things this summer has brought. I've been able to see love. Love for my Savior. Love for another person. And love for little baby lambs :) I have had the opportunity to send so many of my beloved friends and some cousins out to serve The Lord. Although it has not been easy being apart from them. It is ok. This is what is suppose to happen. It is part of the plan. Apart of his plan, and I would not want it any other way. As for the weddings. I LOVE weddings. Like they are just so fun! And no I am not sad for the newlyweds, I am 100% happy for those love birds. I was sad for myself. But then I said to myself, "stop being an idiot, you are only 19!" So really I have years. Just because I don't have a date every weekend and a steady boyfriend at all times doesn't mean there isn't hope. Cause there is. In due time. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but through him I can find eternal happiness. And as for school.. Well school is not that fun. However, to become what I am aiming for.. I kinda have a lot of it ahead of me. So why not enjoy it. Ok I still haven't totally found out how to handle my school situation. But I will and when I do I will be sure to let ya know. But really, I am really happy with how my summer is going, it has been a good one for the books! So no more summertime sadness, unless you are listening to Lana Del Ray's song cause that is good stuff. Thanks for reading!
<3// Nessa
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