On October 6th, 2012 lives were changed. The Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, President Thomas S. Monson announced at the first session of the 182nd General Conference that the missionary age had been changed. Boys to 18 and girls 19. I remember this day perfectly.
(This picture slightly struggles cause the sun was really bright)
Immediately hundreds of girls started working on their papers, and hundreds of guys started deferring scholarships for two years. Many, Many of my friends turned in their papers and got calls. And then the farewells began. I would average about three farewells a week but sometimes I would have 6, which was very difficult. However, everyone questioned me as to why I wasn't working on my papers and ready to go. Deciding to go on a mission is a big decision. It affects many people. Don't get me wrong I am ready to serve. The Lord has told me otherwise at the moment though, and I know by trusting in him, he will guide me where I need to be. So currently I am writing 7 missionaries. A lot still in the MTC. But their calls are spread throughout the world. From Finland to Dallas, the gap is quite large. So this is where my title comes into play...finally.
I literally get a letter in the mail once a day from a different missionary I am writing. And the writers of those letters don't even know how much they help me. Missionaries uplift. It's kinda part of their job description. But not only do they help all the people in the field they are serving, they help the people they write. I can be having such a stinker of a day and come home and see that letter sitting on the table and immediately my mood does a 360. I laugh through the letters and cry through the letters. But I love those letters. They make me want to be a better person. To always continually serve my Savior. And most importantly, what I love the most, strengthen my testimony. I still have quite a few friends heading out shortly and I look forward to be able to start writing them. I love my missionaries.
I would like to challenge you to write a missionary. It doesn't have to be a novel, just a little note. They will appreciate it more than you'll know. If you are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I challenge you to just talk to a missionary. You don't have to be interested in the church. Just be their friend. Everyone needs a friend. And missionaries are good friends to have. I love this church with all my heart. I would not be who I am today without it. I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without it. I love you for reading this. Thank you so much!
<3// Nessa
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