My heart is completely and entirely full this weekend. As it was the 183rd Semiannual General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Every six months our prophet and presidents of the church gather together and share talks that they have prepared with messages from our Heavenly Father. I always look forward to General Conference, for it is a glorious time in my life as well as many others. I love being able to hear truths, directions and guidance given from our beloved leaders. Eight hours of church is a lot, I agree. But every hour is full or richness and so worth all of my time.

This year I had the opportunity to attend a session with some friends. Watching conference from your home is great, but actually being able to attend a session and be in the same room as a Prophet of God is truly something special. The spirit is so strong and a beautiful reverence is felt. There are so so many messages that have been shared I cant even pick a favorite, for they were all completely different. I gained something from every single one, and it has made me want to become an even better person. To try harder in everything I do and to never give up.

Lately, in my life Faith has been a very big part. Faith is something that is hoped for that can not be seen. I have Faith everyday for many things. But in institute we learned something about Faith. You can't just have Faith in something that you want, you have to have Faith in The Lord, that he will make it possible for you. I have Faith that Heavenly Father will direct me in the right path of where I need to be going. I have Faith in The Lord that I am suppose to be going to school and not serving a mission right now. I have Faith that through The Lord I will one day find my eternal companion and be married in the temple. All of these things are big things. They are hard things and tough decisions, but with Faith in Heavenly Father I know that the things that I desire and are true, I will be blessed with. There is one thing that has been on my mind since a year ago when it was announced. Going on a mission. I have pled with my Heavenly Father for guidance and an answer on if I should go. My answer was immediately yes, or so I thought. But, there was something that was holding me back, but I didn't know what. I didn't know why I had a desire to go but I had a feeling I shouldn't go at that specific time. Well. It got harder. Everyone all the time was asking when I was going, when I was putting my papers in, that I needed to go and that I would be such an amazing missionary. But, at that same time, everyone was putting their lives on hold and putting The Lord first. And I wanted to do just that too! But it didn't feel right, still. As time has gone on I have 42 friends serving missions throughout the world. I have 5 more friends who leave here shortly to join them. And I am like ok, why am I not there, why am I not serving? But I am not. I don't know why, but its between me and The Lord, and I am ok with that. I love my missionaries so much. I have so many girlfriends who are now serving and I could not be more proud. I support them with all my being and would do anything in the world for them. Their letters bring me strength, and closer to the spirit. I think it is the greatest thing to serve a mission and I fully support anyone's decision to go. But if you don't feel it, then don't. Heavenly Father will direct you where you need to be. Just because everyone else is serving and it seems like the thing to do doesn't mean you have to go. Just because people who you love and don't want to disappoint think you need to go, doesn't mean you should. It is a BIG decision, and it is between you and The Lord. You can't let anyone get in between that. And just because you decide not to go does not make you any less of a person. People may judge, but that is on them. It is not the mission itself that makes a person better, it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the spirit. My testimony grows stronger everyday, as well as my love of Christ.

I know without a doubt in my mind that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. It is because of Jesus Christ that we are here on this earth. I am so grateful for our beloved Prophet Thomas S. Monson and his presidency that guide us through this difficult times of life. I love the missionaries of this Church so much and look up to them more than they know. I hope that everyone was able to watch and enjoy conference, and if you weren't, here's a link and enjoy :)
Click here for happiness :) Thank you so much for reading!! ya'll are great!
<3// Nessa
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