"Everyday brings something beautiful if we are just willing to look up and see it." {Marjorie Pay Hinkley}

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Two Years

Well of course I have another post about missionaries. Only because as of this moment in my life, 95% of the thoughts going through my head are about my missionaries. Ok maybe not that much cause I have to be able to fit in my school and that takes up a lot of brain capacity. But none the less, I still think a lot about my friends serving those missions. Especially when I get letters, emails, or see some of their family, plus I have two more friends heading out Wednesday to serve, so its a constant thought. But I came across a song that really hit me, and I don't even know how many times I have listened to it since, but I can not even tell you the love I have for this song. So I feel obliged to share it with you.
I so love this song. Tears come every time I listen, but it is totally worth it.
I really wish all the missionaries could read this post. Because I seriously just love you all. Even the ones I don't know. The ones who are preparing. The ones who are waiting to leave. I love you and support you so much. What you are doing is not an easy task, and the fact that you are taking this difficult task upon you means so much. Thank you for always being such an example. For always having the Light of Christ shining through you. I know there are hard days on your mission, but just remember there are people constantly praying for you. Your family and friends who love you and even complete strangers. Thank you. I know that missionary work is of God. I know that the time to hasten the Lords work is now. And even for those who aren't serving missions, Hey that's ok!! You are still a missionary everyday just by being an example and willing to share. I hope everyone is having an awesome Thursday!! Its almost the weekend, we can do it!! Thanks for reading!
<3// Nessa

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