"Everyday brings something beautiful if we are just willing to look up and see it." {Marjorie Pay Hinkley}

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It Clicked!!

So lately, I've been in a slump. Another one. I have been in a lot of slumps lately. And I dunno why. Like why am I not getting my missionary letters, why am I not doing good on my physiology quiz's, why do I feel like I have no time for anything! All I wanna do is cuddle up and watch the Great Gatsby! But then today BOOM! It clicked!

So as most of you know, I have a lot, like a ton of friends who are serving LDS missions all throughout the world. Some people I am really close with are gone. I cant hear from them when I really need to hear from them, and I have really been struggling with that. I have been waiting for a letter or email now for 4  weeks and I just don't understand what is happening. And then why am I studying my brains out but I still always only get 2 out of 4 on my quiz! And like why is everyone getting married or engaged or all the sudden getting boyfriends and then there's me..who hasn't been on a date since July! Like ok. And I finally got to the point where I was like Heavenly Father! What are we doing here! Like I go to institute, the temple, pay tithing, pray & pray & pray, go to church, read scriptures and where's my blessings?! Nothing is working out and I am just ready to throw in the towel! So that was all pretty dramatic I know. But then today when I went to institute everything just kinda made sense. OPPOSITION! Heavenly Father has given us one of the most wonderful gifts, agency, we can choose and make decisions in everything we do. From the biggest things, to the smallest of things. He lets us choose. So when we make all these choices, we have consequences. Good ones and bad, depending on the choice we make. So then I was like, ok well, I am making pretty good choices in my life.. so what now. My teacher then proceeds to say that everytime we make a good decision, Satan is doing everything in his power to make it so we will stop making good decisions! So all the bad stuff or hard struggles we face everyday and lately for me, more frequently that not. Well, if we stay true and strong to what we know is right, Satan is gonna go away. And something bigger and BETTER is on the way. Heavenly Fathers promised blessing will be coming, eventually, even though it feels like it will never end its gonna end and all those good blessings are gonna come!! :) So if you didnt take anything outta that mess I just wrote just take this, DONT GIVE UP! Just keep "pluggin" along through the hard times cause there are good times ahead :) Thanks so much for reading! :) 
                                                                     <3//  Nessa

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